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Knee Pain

a man getting a foot massage from a professional massager.

A Message From Scott Runyon, PT, DPT, Owner and Founder of Backcountry Physical Therapy

If you have bad knees that hurt or ache, it’s easy to believe that it’s “just something that comes with age,” “wear and tear,” or that it’s nothing and will go away on its own.

You’re not sure what’s causing the knee pain, but it doesn’t seem to get any better!

If this happens to you, you are not alone; we hear stories like this all the time. Knee pain is, in fact, one of the most common issues we see in our physical therapy clinic.

And when it comes to living with knee pain, everyone we see wants to know the following answers:

“How Come This Is Happening to Me?” Alternatively, “Why Am I Still Suffering From Knee Pain That Worsens After Putting up With It for 6 Months - Sometimes More?”

Most people believe that if they have knee pain, it will “ease off” and go away on its own. They’ll wake up one day and, as if by “magic,” their knee pain will be gone. Then, six months later, you’re still suffering from knee pain, which is frequently worse than when it first appeared.

Does That Describe You?

Another scenario we see frequently in our physical therapy clinic is when people go to their doctors, and the well-meaning doctor tells them to “rest”, “try these painkillers”, and “come back in 6 weeks if it’s not better”. But then, six weeks later, they return to the same Doctor because it hasn’t improved, only to be given ANOTHER prescription for even stronger pills and possibly a knee brace.

Have You Ever Experienced Something Similar?

Perhaps you’re perplexed because you’ve been told conflicting information by various people. Maybe you believe you need to rest because you’ve been told that walking aggravates knee pain or that you should do ‘this exercise’ and ‘that exercise’ to improve it. It’s difficult to know what to do – and that’s just to avoid aggravating knee pain! Because of this confusion, people frequently procrastinate and put off deciding what to do to help alleviate their knee pain. Worse, many people simply accept it as “part of life,” as if it were normal or “had” to be that way.

Is This How You Feel as Well?’

If You Have Knee Pain, Here Are 7 More Reasons Why It May Be Lasting Longer Than It Should:

If any of these things have happened to you, we’d love to help you by inviting you to schedule a call with one of our Physical Therapists in Colorado Springs to find out what we can do for you.

The fact that you’ve tried any or all of these things is a GOOD THING because knowing what doesn’t work brings you closer to discovering what does!

If you want to get some solid advice over the phone for free, click the link below to book a call with us. The phone call is free, and there is no obligation to book appointments with us after the call. Our goal is to assist you in making the best decision about what to do next.

"How Can I Get Rid of Knee Pain Quickly?"

So, here are four things you can do:

1. First and foremost, you must decide whether or not to seek help – so many people rest for weeks, hoping that the pain will ‘just go away with time,’ only to find that 6 months later, nothing has changed… Alternatively, the pain and swelling worsen.

2. Next, do the RIGHT exercises – one of the best things you can do to help ease your knee pain is to do the right series of progressed exercises – the right exercises given to you by a Physiotherapist will help reduce pain, allow you to move freely again quickly – and ensure that the problems don’t return anytime soon.

3. Avoid sitting in awkward positions; you and I were not designed to sit. When you sit and bend your knees, you put your knees in awkward, unnatural positions that they are not designed to be in for long periods. It would be extremely beneficial if you were given appropriate strengthening exercises for better posture and hands-on treatment to get you active and healthy as soon as possible.

4. Participate in “hands-on” Physical Therapy – Physical Therapy has been shown to help people with knee pain. It’s one of the most common issues we see with our athletes and active adults at Backcountry Physical Therapy. Suppose your knee pain is interfering with your job, preventing you from staying active, threatening your independence and preventing you from spending quality time with family and friends. In that case, Physical Therapy can help you get back to living the life you deserve as soon as possible.

Suppose you’d like to learn more about how the Physical Therapy team at Backcountry Physical Therapy clinics in Colorado Springs can help you live with less knee pain. In that case, we invite you to schedule a completely free, no-obligation, risk-free appointment at one of our clinics.

Note: We offer this free Total Body Diagnostic session to people who are nervous or skeptical about Physical Therapy, unsure of its benefits, or if it is right for them. If this describes you, please begin with a Free Total Body Diagnostic session so that we can work with you to determine what is wrong and what can be done – with no financial risk to you.

So Here’s the Next Question:

"How Can Choosing Backcountry Physical Therapy To See A Physical Therapist Help You Get Rid Of Your Knee Pain - In The Next Few Days?"

Here are a few examples of what our Physical Therapy Team can do for you:

Basically, the Physical Therapy Team at Backcountry Physical Therapy can help you get back to living life free from daily annoying and chronic knee pain.

If you want to know what it costs – and what availability we have at our clinic in Taylorsville, then just click the button below and complete the short form:

What Other People Just Like You Are Saying About Backcountry Physical Therapy in Colorado Springs, CO

28+ 5-Star Reviews!

- Jessica M.

“Dr. Scott Runyon is amazing to work with!! I have been having knee pain during my runs for months, which eventually became so severe that I could not run even a mile without having to stop. After a few weeks of treatments with Dr. Runyon, I am now able to run without any pain at all. I highly recommend Dr. Runyon to anyone wanting to regain their quality of fitness again!”

- Mike V.

“I had a couple of injuries in rapid succession that resulted in some significant quad issues. Scott helped me rehab the quad through a mix of visits and at-home workouts. I have opted for a monthly maintenance plan to keep me out on the trails. I highly recommend Scott.”

- Natalie G.

“When I tore my ACL skiing I worried I’d never return to the slopes, or that if I did, I’d be confined to the bunny hill forever. Scott’s approach is targeted and has helped me reach my goals faster than I thought possible. Working with Backcountry I’ve regained the strength and mobility I need to feel confident and enjoy a full day on the mountain. I can’t recommend Backcountry more!”
28 reviews on
sudchai dupreez
sudchai dupreez
I can't encourage Scott Runyon/Backcountry PT enough! I have a torn labrum in my hip and was set to go to surgery. Going to Scott was my last ditch effort to push surgery back and he did it! I have a very active job and I feel stronger now then I did before and Scott got me back to play again. What I really appreciate is that no matter what physical issues that arise I can go to Scott and he always finds a way to get me back in the game! Thank you Scott!
Joel Fraser
Joel Fraser
Scott has been an integral part of my continued success in my career and in my training! He has been there for every step helping me through all the aches and pains that come with my occupation. If I didn’t have Scott in my corner I’m pretty sure I’d be dealing with multiple surgeries and missed opportunities. Can’t recommend him enough. Thanks Scott!
Wendy Spillar
Wendy Spillar
I've been working with Scott for over a year on my hip and back pain. I'm a fitness trainer and a caretaker and I'm very interested in staying as joint healthy as possible without surgery and Scott is helping me with this goal. His creative techniques and strategies are A+, highly recommend!
DyVonne Thornton
DyVonne Thornton
Scott is an amazing person and knows what he is doing. I am a professional MMA fighter and Backcountry PT is a big part of it! I absolutely would recommend Backcountry to anyone struggling with injury.
Mike V
Mike V
I had a couple of injuries in rapid succession that resulted in some significant quad issues. Scott helped me rehab the quad through a mix of visits and at-home workouts. I have opted for a monthly maintenance plan to keep me out on the trails. I highly recommend Scott.
Evan Canfield
Evan Canfield
Scott has been an absolute life saver for not only my body but my career. I cannot recommend Backcountry enough. Scott's attention to detail and commitment to each and every patient is unparalleled. Thank you Scott for not only helping me get back to my old self but motivating me to come back better and stronger.
Adam Schwerdt
Adam Schwerdt
Can't go wrong seeing Dr. Runyon for your outdoor adventures and activities! He will ensure all your needs and concerns are addressed not just for your current injury, but also to help get you set up for the long term. As a colleague who is also a PT there are few other PT's I recommend in the Springs and he certainly makes the cut!
Mehdi Shelhamer
Mehdi Shelhamer
I highly recommend Scott. I say this both as a patient and a fellow healthcare worker. He is very attentive, listens well and devises an appropriate treatment plan. But better than that, he is constantly assessing your progress and tweaking the plan as needed. Additionally, his use of technology is very helpful with a phone app that keeps you in line. He is also very quick to respond to any questions. Yes, you can find less expensive physical therapy options, but with Scott, you get what you pay for.
matthew stempson
matthew stempson
I had a shoulder injury and had been dealing with the pain for about a year now. In just three sessions I have learned many excercises and stretches to help me on my road to recovery. I am already seeing a good amount of improvement. He is very knowledgeable and is great to work with. Thanks Scott!
Bobbi Rocco
Bobbi Rocco
I fell snow skiing. Scott helped me by showing me how to do some exercises right away so I would not develop frozen shoulder. My range of motion improved. His expertise and knowledge has helped and I hope to be able to resume all of my sports soon.