We help mountain athletes not only recover from injuries, but build them back stronger than they were before, so that injuries are less likely to happen again!
Wondering If Backcountry Physical Therapy Is Right For You?
Speak With a Doc
If you’re not quite ready to book an appointment yet, you might have some questions that you would like answered first. We would be happy to chat with you so we can be 100% sure that we can help you. Just click the button below to request to speak to us on the phone!!
Availability & Pricing
We understand that some people want to find out a little more about the availability and pricing of physical therapy before booking an appointment. If you want to know about our availability, then just click the button below and complete the simple form.
Discovery Visit
We realize some people may be unsure if physical therapy is right for them. Are you wondering if it’ll work or if we can help with your problem? If that sounds like you and you’d like to come see for yourself how we can help you, just fill out the simple form below.
Our Mission
What We Offer
Step 1:
Step 2:
Avoid Injuries
Step 3:
Improve Performance
What Other People Just Like You Are Saying About Backcountry Physical Therapy in Colorado Springs, CO
28+ 5-Star Reviews!
- Jason F.
- Mike V.
- Wendy S.